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Nov. 24th, 2013


24 Hour Warning

The time update will be posted tomorrow! I know you guys are about ready to switch over, so get your placeholders up for any scenes that you haven't already posted and prepare yourself for a slightly longer than usual week. A major plot will be taking place in the upcoming game week!

-The Mods

Nov. 22nd, 2013


Unfortunate News

I just have time to pop in and deliver some bad news. I recently moved in with my grandparents to help them in their aging times and that, coupled with the new web design course I'm in, I've discovered that I'm left with little time for role playing. I cannot give Sheriff Stilinski, Sarah and Boyd the time and attention they deserve. So unfortunately, I think it's time I give them up to writers who can hopefully give them better care than I can at this point in time.

I really enjoyed writing with everyone here, and I wish you all luck on your role playing. I'm sad to step away from a hobby that has gotten me through so many tough times, but I think this is the best move for me and the characters I've taken up. Please feel free to use any part of the biographies and plotting I've put up on the profiles/journals. If you're interested, I can change the passwords so the accounts can go to the game alone. That way the journals won't be wasted.

Sorry guys. It was fun while it lasted. :(

Oct. 21st, 2013


Just a note

Just leaving a note here to let everyone know that Jen will be hiatused for a short bit until she gets her internet situation figured out. If you need to get a hold of her between now and then, messaging her via email is probably the best bet!

Oct. 16th, 2013


24 Hour Warning

The time update will go up tomorrow. Please go ahead and post up placeholders for anything you'd still like to get up before the update. Happy Playing!

- The mods

Sep. 12th, 2013


Cora Hale

We have another Hale everyone! This is Link and I picked up Cora here. Her plot line is a little different from Season 3 in that I don't have her being captured by the alpha pack. She escaped the fire thanks to someone shoving her through a window and telling her to run to another local pack who contacted some of Talia's relatives in Brazil which is where she has been living this whole time. Cora will obviously be serving as a beta for her brother. She'll be available with the new game week so lets do some plottage maybe?

Sep. 11th, 2013


Hello, lovely players!

This upcoming game week the alpha plot will officially kick off. Keeping that in mind, we need alphas in play. If any of you think you can seriously play one of the alphas, please app away! If you don't think you can that's okay too, promise. Whoever isn't picked up will be npc'd by the mods so no worries. We just wanted to give you guys the chance to pick one of them up if you wanted to. This also includes Jennifer.

That said, we also are planning on doing some fun stuff for Halloween since it's October in game. One of the things we're planning is a body swap from a spell gone awry. Link, we were thinking that Ranger could be responsible for that if you were okay with it. What we wanted to know is which characters you guys would like to participate in this since we're not going to force it on you guys if you don't want to do it or if you don't want all of your characters to do it. Please list which characters you want to include in the swap in this post. We're going to assign numbers and randomly switch people so it's fair. The exception being Derek and Lydia because it will be hilarious to have them trade bodies.

Questions? Ask away!


24 Hour Warning

Well, sort of. The time update will be going up on FRIDAY. If you've got any scenes that you still want to get done for this week, please go ahead and post placeholders for them. :)

Happy Playing.

- The mods.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Boyd here!

Hey all. This is Mary.

I've got Boyd here, and he's in a bad spot at the moment so prepare for a lot of issues to be worked through before he can be considered a safe friend. I've got plans for him to stay in Derek's pack. Depending on what happens to Erica, this will either be a permanent but delicate situation or he'll end up going Omega. He's not what you call verbose, so communication with him might be a little hard, but a fight with someone who can actually put up one would go a long way to getting him to open up (well, as long as your name isn't Derek Hale).

I'm excited to see what happens with him, and I'd love to get him a real network of friends. It's about the only thing he wanted from all this, really.

So yeah, give me a shout out for any scenes you guys want. I'm open to any and all. For his re-introductory into the Hale pack, though, Roz and I are looking for Isaac to join us.

Also, I'm totally working on all my current scenes. It'll take me a while, but I'm working on it!

Aug. 14th, 2013


Hey everybody. This is Roz. and I'm bringing in Allison, because she's a badass who really needs to be brought in. She returned from France monday of this week, and she'll return to school Tuesday. She's got a lot of things to make up for, but she understands that Gerard was not her fault. She regrets how she handled things during her grief, but I think she's become a stronger person because of it.

So if you want any scenes with her, she is now available :)


Since you all are absolutely horrible influences on me, I've decided to pick up another character. This is Owyn and he's going to be the emissary to the Hale pack, though he won't mind advising the Romero pack as well. At least until they get their own emissary (hint, hint). He's a druid from Ireland who can shapeshift in a raven, which I think is pretty damn cool.

Anyway, Owyn is a cryptic son of a bitch who wishes to see the destruction of the alpha pack for the unspeakable crimes they've committed and for throwing things into imbalance. He's been in Beacon Hills for months, watching both the alpha pack and Beacon Hills wolves. He also works as a nurse at the hospital so now everyone can have some additional medical support. Lines would be love.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Hey guys!

Good news and bad news. Bad news, my internet is down yet again. Good news, it should be fixed either Friday or Saturday. In the meantime, I can't log into aim but I do have my phone internet! So I can still thread and whatnot :) If you wanted to start a planned scene or wanted a scene, hit me through email or my contact posts :)

So, my provider called me today and told me they could come over today and so my regular internet works, hurrah!


Just a wee quick PSA for any weres of legal drinking age...

Cooper has perfected his wolfsbane-laced mead (as JD and Dante will attest, having tried it on Saturday...), and will now be selling it to sit in, or take out, from Honey Jack's. If you play a were aged 21 or above, and you're likely to know Cooper, be in the bar, or know someone who knows him, feel free to mention it.

And if anyone wants to cause a drunken scene at Jack's, (please, really, I would LOVE it), let me know because Cooper needs scenes. And friends. Poor lonely Papa Bear.


*Baaaaaa's quietly*

So since you've all done it, here is my schedule for the week. :D

As you can see it looks awful empty, so anyone who wants to scene with any of mine, let me know!

Aug. 12th, 2013



I've joined the club and made my own schedule. It's really light so hit me up if you want to do any scenes.

Here it is!


Hey all. I also made a thing. So if anybody wants a scene, let me know, and I'll totally throw it in there. I'm also cool with doing more than one scene with a character a day. If we discussed things, and it's not there, it's because I forgot, so please remind me.

Also. This OOC has an additional note. Pack training will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. The hardcore training on Thursday will involve Ranger, and they will utilize an Earth giant Golem and lightning. This training will likely be the most rigorous training they've had thus far, and last several hours. So expect your characters to go home bone tired. The training will encompass both packs, with the exception of Ranger, who will also be there.

The training on Tuesday will be an easy day of training, that will amount to mostly sparring, and only last for two hours. The pack meeting will be held on Wednesday, and both Charlie and Derek will be noticeably absent from this meeting, so it will fall to Dante to lead the meeting. I'm pretty sure that's it. If you have any additional comments to make about either the training, or the meeting, including what you characters might say at either of them (I'm pretty sure we'll be threading the training on thursday, though) you should leave a comment below, to keep us all on the same page.

Aug. 8th, 2013


Crystal's Week 6 Schedule

Trying something new. This here is my character's schedule for the week. I figure maybe posting it here would be an easy way to keep track of it not only for myself but for everyone else as well. So, you can see I need more scenes! If there's anything you'd like to play with me, just pop in here and lemme know!

Also, I have a new character, because of course I couldn't keep myself from maxing out. We all knew this would happen.

So, this here is Katerina Novak. She's a werewolf who was supposed to be married off to an alpha in Seattle. Sarah has decided to help her escape the wrath of him and her family however by bringing her to Beacon Hills so she'll be around for all the scenes! I'd love anything and everything you can toss at me.

Aug. 7th, 2013


I swear, this is my last one....for now. *cough*

so I've been suckered into picking up Sebastian's mom, Hannah. She'll be rolling into town on Monday morning. She's from a pretty traditional pack structure so, Derek's pack....will likely all get on her nerves. ;) HAVE FUN GUYS.

Any plotlines or ideas, let me know. :D


24 Hour Warning

The time update will go up tomorrow :) Please get all your scenes holdered that aren't already!

Happy Scening!

- The Mods

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Offical End of Hiatus

Haha, I forgot to put this up. Sorry about that guys. I do have internet (mostly via my phone's dataplan) and can scene with everyone! So if any of y'all want scenes, let me know! Sarah is pretty full atm with some new plots coming up, but the Sheriff is free for any and all scenes! Will be on mostly in the evenings Oklahoma time until about the 16th. I might also be active in the wee hours of the morning just to get internet time. (we're in the car and I'm on my ipad. My grandpa keeps glaring at me, haha.).

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Hey everyone, Pansy here. I've got a new character name Ariadne, but she prefers Ari. She's a conduit, which basically means she can channel energy for psychics and make them more powerful. She can also give magic users a power boost if they use belief as a tool. However, she's been used for her ability in the past and hates to let someone use her power unless she's getting something out of it as well, and even then she can be pretty reluctant. So if you're coming to her for help, she's going to want something in return.

Ari tends to be pretty uneasy around people she doesn't know well, in part because of her past, but also because she has social anxiety (which she's taking medication for). She's a bit of a tech geek and can practically work magic with a computer. If you need something like your grades changed or confidential files unsealed she's totally the girl to go to, although she has gotten into some trouble with the law in the past for that sort of thing, so you may end up going through the wringer to get what you want.

You can check out Ari's profile here or give her a shout out here.

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